Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dumb Deadlines

I dont like deadlines..

I get that having a date in mind of when you would like to have lost a certain amount of weight can be good motivation... but using that date as a deadline can be discouraging...

I know its happened to me many times.
"By Chris's wedding I'll be down 50 lbs... so that just 8 lbs a month, totally doable!"
then 3 months before the wedding I havent come close to where I was supposed to be and I feel like I'm "behind." But I'm not. I'm 10 lbs smaller than I was and thats ALWAYS a good thing. If there is no deadline, then it truly is a lifestyle change, and not a diet... because what happens after the wedding? "Ahh, I did it! Now wheres the pizza?"

So dates are fine, but deadlines are not. Use dates as motivation but STOP getting down on yourself for "being behind", because you aren't. No matter what you are doing, you are gaining knowledge and thats SO important to be successful. Just keep going....

Go get 'em tiger!

PS: Today, I get back on the wagon... again. .... but thats okay, because getting back on the wagon a hundred times is better than ignoring the wagon exists...

My wedding is in 4 weeks. AH!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Couch to 5k

Thats it!!

I found my next challenge, and this one should keep my busy for a while.

I am going to do the couch to 5k, and tonight is my first run. And I am actually excited!!

I downloaded the app and was pleasantly surprised that they time everything for you.
I am going to register for a 5k in late april and I WILL be prepared to finish strong.

My first dress fitting is in 2 weeks and I really wanted to be 10 more pounds smaller. I hope that with this new exercise plan, I can get there.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Whats the next thing...

Well, I have come across another realization. I do well in a challenge. Thats where I shine.
And when there is nothing immediately in front of me to strive for, I dont strive...

I was so dedicated to being good and not cheating and making all the right choices on phase one of south beach and I did it. I am proud of myself and have proved to myself that I am capable of eating healthy and sticking to my guns. But now that there is no "challenge. I dont hold myself accountable to anything. I certainly haven't fallen back to my old ways... I am still eating lots of veggies and protein, but the not so healthy snacks have snuck their way in a couple times. Enough to make me feel like I need another challenge to keep me accountable.

I havent gained anything but I'm not losing either.

So I need a new weight loss challenge. Nutrition or fitness...


Monday, January 21, 2013


Today is Monday and it is the first day I am adding in carbs since I kickstarted this journey... although I am more excited for the fruit :)

For breakfast I had a bowl of cereal. (It was quite tasty)
For lunch I had eggs and turkey sausage. (Also tasty)
Snack..... orange slices and a banana cookie thing. (shamefully delicious)
Dinner will be steak tips and salad. (YES PLEASEE!!!!)

So the only carbs added was the cereal and the cookie. Not bad for the first day.

Over the last two weeks I pretty much weighed myself every day. (mostly because I saw a change EVERY DAY and how do you keep yourself from seeing that wonderful number get smaller and smaller each time you step on and off)
So I am going to try really hard to let a whole week go by before I step on the scale again.
(we'll see)

If anyone has any healthy recipes or exercise suggestions, I will take them!

Friday, January 18, 2013

I'll try to put this into words...


I have had people breathing down my neck telling me to update my blog. (I'm looking at you, MOM!!!) So fine!!! I'll update it.

I have clearly been away for a while and as you all can guess, its because my weight loss journey was taking a nap.

Well, since I have been away, I have gotten myself a new job.
I am lucky enough to work for a woman who is a nutritionist and dietitian. Her husband is a running coach and runs marathons. Needless to say, I hit the jackpot, motivationally speaking...

These people have made a huge impact on my life. They have allowed me to take my time to be "ready" but have carefully nudged me to the edge of the cliff and pushed me off. I had to recognize for myself that I already had the wings, I just had to take the leap. (yeah, metaphors, whatever...)

So with the help and encouragement of Mr and Mrs Lifechanger, I began phase one of South Beach.
I was totally gung-ho, pumped to shed a ton of weight and hopefully "kickstart" a diet... But thats not what happened. I planned for a couple days to make sure I knew what I was doing and had enough of the right foods in the house so I could do it right...I was prepared for two weeks of please-be-worth-it Hell. And after only 2 or 3 days on this diet, I realized I was kind of enjoying it. It wasn't hard. I was enjoying cooking meals, real, actual meals. I was enjoying eating healthy. Green beans, broccoli, cauliflower... WHAT? I have NEVER enjoyed any of those foods, or vegetables in general.... and here I am... loving every minute of it. And losing weight.

I am now 12 days into the diet. I have lost 10.5 lbs. And I can see it!!! I CAN SEE IT!!

I am definitely looking forward to the end of these two weeks, not because I am having carb withdrawals, but because I am excited to prove to myself that I learned the lesson here. I am excited to add a little bit of penne to my kielbasa and green beans. I am excited to add some brown rice to my delicious pork chops.... AAH, I AM JUST EXCITED!!

This has become more about a day to day lifestyle, than a long term thing...
Yes, I still want to lose another 80 lbs, thats still my goal. (hopefully under 200 by my wedding..)
But wether it takes me 8 months, or 2 years... as long as I keep eating healthy and moving.... I'll get there. And I'll stay there....

Lost so far - 21pounds

Sunday, August 5, 2012

So its been 8 months....

Its been a LONG time since I posted. Umm, most likely because things haven't really been going so great. I have certainly had my ups and downs. I had lost a total of 20 lbs when teacher appreciation week hit. It RUINED me. It completely threw me off and I gained about 6 lbs back. I have managed to keep off and maintain about 14 lbs.... but it took me until now to get back in the saddle. Or back on the "wagon" as I say. I have started checking out the calories of what I am eating. This week my goal is to see how many calories I eat on a normal day. Then, I will see if I can cut out a couple hundred calories and add 4 days of fitness.

Heres to pushing myself harder than I think I can.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving is FAST Approaching....

This past week I worked my BUTT off at the gym and eating healthy hoping I would lose a big number. I was shooting for 4 lbs. I knew that was a lot to ask for but I was willing to give it my all. AND I DID! I went to the gym 6 out of 8 days in a row.... I ate SO good. measured just about everything I ate and ate lots of fruits and veggies... how much am I down by the end of the week...ONE DAMN POUND!

I really feel like thats not good enough. Even though I know it happens, some times you just have a bad week even when you work for it, but I really had my hope up. I really wanted to reach that 4 lbs. I would have even been happy with 2... meaning I reached my first TEN lbs!! but nope...

Now I am heading into Thanksgiving at my moms house for 5 days with the whole family... fearing that I am going to gain EVERYTHING back. If that happens I will flip out.
So I have my rules.... that I will follow as best I can.
I dont want to deprive myself of all the goodies because then I will go crazy. So I am just going to make sure I dont go overboard.
So Rule 1 one is no 'grazing' before the feast. I am allowed to have A snack.. I'm just not allowed to "snack"... Noun, not verb... (haha)
Rule 2, limit myself when it comes to leftovers.... one turkey sandwich the day after is okay, and enough.
Rule 3, sorry egg nog, if you make an appearance I will be hiding behind the veggie platter where you can't find me...
Rule 4, MOVE, I dont need to sit on my bum just because all the guys are.. I am going to workout every single morning... AND later in the day if others want to come for a hike, I'll be the first one to put on my sneakers.

Heres to the first Thanksgiving where I dont gain weight, I don't maintain.... I LOSE!

ps: went to the gym tonight and got in a pretty good workout... I'm up to 18 min on the elliptical.
And Alley showed me some cool things to do with the yoga balls and medicine balls. WOO feel the BURN!